Just Host Web Hosting Help
How To Edit My Address Bar Icon Or Favicon.ico?
Can I change the “favicon.ico” file for my website(s)?
Yes! It's quite easy to do.The favicon.ico file is typically a simple 16x16 image, visible in the browser status bar, tabs and/or title bar. To change this to your own, simply do the following:
- Create a “favicon.ico” file from your preferred image. You can either use an image editing tool—such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, MS Paint, etc., or you can use this website: http://www.favicon.cc/.
- Upload the image to your “web root” for your website. If this is your primary domain, the directory is “/public_html/”. If it is for a subdomain or addon domain, please refer to your cPanel → Domains → Subdomains or cPanel → Domain Manager section to see what directory the domain is assigned to.
- Clear your browser cache, then visit your website again.
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tags: address favico favicon ico icon

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