Just Host Web Hosting Help
How To Configure The PHP Environment With PHP ini
- Overview
- Update PHP Version or Generate new php.ini File
- CGI Type
- Standard PHP (Default)
- PHP Single php.ini
The version of PHP helps keep your site secured, running efficiently, and compatible with any plugins. This article explains how to generate a new php.ini file if you are into changing the PHP version or made an error with your current php.ini file. Upgrading your PHP will automatically create the new php.ini file.
Update PHP Version or Generate new php.ini File
Important note: PHP versions PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1 are deprecated. We recommend that you update to a supported version of PHP.
Please note: We will be updating to PHP version 8.0 in batches beginning in 2022. Keep an eye out for communications on when your account will be updated and what changes, if any, you will need to make. For more information on updating content for PHP compatibility, read our guide on What to do if your Site Does not Work with Newer Versions of PHP. To learn more about what is changing with PHP 8.0, please see PHP.net's release notes.
- Log in to your justhost control panel.
- Click the Advanced tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
- Under the Software section, click on the MultiPHP Manager icon.
- Select the domain that you want to set up or update from the list.
- Select the version of PHP you would like to use at the top right-hand side.
- Click the Apply button to finish the update.
- Log in to your justhost control panel.
- Click the cpanel sub-tab from the navigation menu that stretches across the top of your screen.
- Locate the PHP Config tool under the programming category.
- Select the domain that you want to set up or update.
- Choose the version of PHP you will be using.
- Choose any extensions you might need for your scripts.
- Click the Save Changes button.
If you have any further questions about configuring the php.ini file, there are extensive descriptions within the file itself. You may also find more help at http://www.php.net/docs.php.
Note: The Advanced tab will load your cPanel. Legacy accounts will feature a horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen, while Rock account users will see a vertical navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
CGI Type
Below are options to consider when selecting the PHP type.
Standard PHP (Default)
By default, all accounts use standard PHP. A PHP script will use the server's master php.ini configuration file with standard PHP selected if the script's directory does not contain a php.ini file. Each hosting account initially has a copy of the php.ini file in the public_html directory. You may make any changes to this file, and the modification will take precedent over the master file. With standard PHP selected in the cPanel, you will need to copy the modified php.ini file into all subdirectories containing PHP files to use the custom PHP settings.
Different folders can have different php.ini files containing different PHP settings. If you need to use different PHP settings for two different scripts, you can place them in their own folder and with their own php.ini file.
PHP Single php.ini
To avoid copying the same php.ini file to each and every directory containing PHP files, you may select PHP Single php.ini. This option changes the PHP handler defined in ~/public_html/.htaccess to indicate that all subfolders use the same php.ini found in public_html/.
The .htaccess PHP handler is recursive through all subdirectories unless a subdirectory has a .htaccess file defining a PHP handler.
Using the PHP FastCGI option makes all your PHP applications run through mod_fcgid instead of mod_suphp. FastCGI uses only one php.ini file located in the public_html directory. Please refer to PHP FastCGI for detailed information about PHP FastCGI, including benefits and potential problems.
Pro Tip: For information about configuring PHP for an addon domain, please see PHP Configuration for Addon Domain.

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