Just Host Web Hosting Help
Dreamweaver MX Configuration for PHP and MySQL
How do I configure Dreamweaver MX for PHP and MySQL?
Here are the settings for Dreamweaver MX with PHP and MySQL:
Create the MySQL Database and User
- Log into your Just Host account and click on "MySQL Databases"
- Create a new database if needed. For help creating MySQL databases, Click Here.
- Under "Users" create a new user and password if you don't already have one you want to use. For help creating MySQL users, Click Here.
- Add that user to the database. It is common to grant all permissions unless otherwise instructed.
- Add your IP address to the "Allowed Host" listing. Alternatively you may add the * symbol. This is a wildcard and will allow connection from any computer if they have the correct user name and password. Click Here for more information.
Now open Dreamweaver, create a new blank PHP page, then at the top bar click on "Site" then "New".
Leave the "Local Info" as it is. Use the following Remote and Testing Server settings:
Remote Info:
- Access: FTP
- FTP Host: domainname.com
- Host Directory: public_html (this is the folder that your site loads to)
- Login: *********
- Password: *********
- Passive FTP Box is checked!
Testing Server:
- Server Model: PHP/MySQL
- Access: FTP
- FTP Host: domainname.com
- Host Directory: public_html
- Login: *********
- Password: *********
- Passive FTP box is checked!
- Url Prefix: http://www.domainname.com
Open the MySQL Connections Dialog Box. It is in the application window (on the left side) under the databases tab.
MySQL Connections Dialog Box:
- Connection Name: (whatever you name your connection)
- MySQL Server: localhost.
- User Name: (a database username that has access to the MySQL database(s).
- Password: *******
- Database: (you have to specify one database name)
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