Just Host Web Hosting Help
SpamExperts: Manage Email Users
SpamExperts allows the account owner to set up individual user logins so each email user can log in to view their quarantined messages and manage their personal email settings.
Create Email Users
Follow these steps to create a login for each of your email users:
- Log in to your Just Host control panel.
- Find the Email section and then click the SpamExperts icon.
- At the bottom of the page, click the Manage link to the right of your domain name.
- Go to the Webinterface Users section, and click the Manage Email Users icon.
- Click Add on the left side of the page to create a new user.
- Enter the user's email address.
- Create a password, then enter it again to confirm. The password must contain:
- At least six characters
- At least one uppercase letter or digit
- At least one lowercase letter
- No spaces
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 5 - 8 for each email user.
Alternatively, you can upload a CSV file containing the username, domain name, password, and active status for each email user.
Now each of your users can log in to their SpamPanel at https://spamlogin.com by entering their email address and the password you've created for them.
Manage Email Users
On the Manage Email Users page, select the black drop-down arrow next to an email user for the following options:
- Edit. Change their username, password, and/or status.
- Delete. Permanently delete the email user's login.
- Login as User. Log in as the email user so you can see what they see.
- Enforce 2FA. You can require individual users use 2FA for added security. If they didn’t have it enabled before, they'll be prompted to set it up the next time they log in.
Manage Permissions
Here you can manage the permissions for how resources are accessed by the users you manage. Each resource can be accessed by four methods:
- GET is for viewing data.
- POST is for creating new entries.
- PUT is for modifying existing entries.
- DELETE is for deleting entries.
- Incoming
- Log search
- Include results from the last minutes
- Spam quarantine
- Incoming delivery queue
- Report spam
- Report not spam
- Outgoing
- Log search
- Include results from the last minutes
- Reason of locking
- Archive
- Search
- Export
- Protection report
- Periodic user report
- Enable for recipient
- Whitelist/Blacklist
- Sender whitelist
- Upload CSV Sender whitelist
- Recipient whitelist
- Sender blacklist
- Upload CSV Sender blacklist
- My account
- User’s profile