Just Host Web Hosting Help
Scripted Emails Appear to Come from username at myserver
Scripted E-mails appear to come from username@just###.Justhost.com
Why do scripted e-mails come from < username@just###.Justhost.com > when I have specified otherwise?
This is because our servers require you (or your script) to use a properly formatted, valid From: field in the email's header. If the From: field is not formatted correctly, empty or the email address does not exist in the cPanel, the From: address will be changed to username@just###.Justhost.com.You must change the script you are using to correctly use a valid From: header.
Examples of headers that should work would be:
From: user@domain.com will work From: "user" <user@domain.com>Examples of headers that will NOT work:From: "user@domain.com" From: user @ domain.com From: user@domain.com <user@domain.com>Our servers will not accept the name for the email address and the email address to be the same. It will not accept a double declaration of the email address.
If you do not want to edit your PHP based scripts, you can modify the sendmail_path line located in your php.ini. You would want to modify it like this:
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f'user@domain.com'The part that you will be adding is: -f'user@domain.com'
This method works because the php mail function calls sendmail (a program on the server) directly using the path defined in your php.ini. Placing the -f flag here allows us to work directly with sendmail without PHP getting in the way. Passing a "From" header to the php mail function will override the -f flag set in your php.ini.
For scripts such as Joomla and Wordpress, you will need to follow their documentation for formatting the from fields properly.
Note: The email address you use must be a valid created account in the cPanel.

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