Just Host Web Hosting Help
Installing the WildCard SSL on a Reseller account
In November 2014 Just Host announced that it will no longer be accepting new shared Reseller hosting signups. As part of that announcement, Just Host announced a partnership with ResellerClub wherein Just Host is recommending ResellerClub as the hosting partner of choice for Reseller hosting.
To learn more about this change please see: Reseller Hosting Services FAQ
Each reseller account comes with a free WildCard SSL Certificate. You will need to install this certificate before you can use it.
Installing the WildCard SSL certificate
Please follow these steps to purchase a new SSL Certificate
- Login to your Just Host cPanel account.
- Click the SSL Certificate tab
- Click the "Order SSL Certificate" button
On the following page you will need to choose the renewal option as well as the email address used to verify your SSL Certificate.
For added security measures we will send an email to the address chosen from the drop-down menu. In that e-mail, there will be a validation link to click on and a code to type in at that link
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