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Terms of Service are set in place to legally protect both you as a customer and us as your hosting company.
CLICK HERE to view the Terms of Service that are agreed to upon signing up with Just Host.
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Where can I report Terms of Service problems?
To view your stats, scroll down to the Logs section of the cPanel Here are different programs that can be used to view your stats. We most recommend awstats When you select your stats program, you ma
Clients in China are unable to view my website. My website's content doesn't contain any objectionable material.
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India imposes a 18% Service Tax on electronically supplied services sold by foreign entities to customers located in India.
How to view your recent charges.
To install a phpBB forum using MOJO Marketplace, log into the cPanel and scroll down to the Software/Services category. Click on the MOJO Marketplace icon. Click on the phpBB icon. Click the Install Now bu
Single Sign-On (SSO) is the common name for the process of signing on to your justhost account using a different software service provider (e.g. Google, Facebook, WordPress, etc.). Although the software systems of justhost are independent from an SSO service provider, a singl
Knowledgebase Article


This article will explain how to view the outgoing email queue or exim queue in SSH.
How do I view my Receipts and Payment History
Please have your account name, domain name, and primary email address handy when contacting support so we can assist you quickly. Need help? This article will explain how to prepare for and contact support.
The server is under a DDoS attack, what should I do?