Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or other graphics.
You can use the Access Logs icon in the cPanel to download a zipped version of the server's Raw Access Log for your site. This can be very useful when you need to see who is accessing your site quickly.
Accessing the RAW Access Logs
- Log in to your Just Host cPanel account.
- In the cPanel under Statistics choose Access Logs.
- Click the domain or subdomain from Download Current HTTP Access Logs.
- Click OK to save the file to a directory on your computer.
- To view the log, open it in a zip program and unzip the file inside. Then use a text editor to open the log and view it.
Note: You will need to use a zip program that is compatible with .gz files to unzip the logs. If you are using Windows, try WinRAR, available at RARLabs.com
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