Just Host Web Hosting Help

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Definition of an A Record
Knowledgebase Article 844,377 views tags: a dns file host ip record zone

How can I host only a subdomain on my hosting service provided by Just Host?
Knowledgebase Article 420,596 views tags: domain host subdomain

I get the following database connection error: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'host#.Justhost.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqlad
Knowledgebase Article 260,802 views tags: blocked connection host localhost mysql

How to Transfer hosted files from old host to Justhost.com via ssh. Your old host must have SSH access to perform this move. Using SSH to transfer files to Just Host
Knowledgebase Article 238,168 views tags: file host site transfer transferring